Fall programming may look a bit different this year as we work hard to mitigate the spread of infectious illness. Here are just a few things that may look different this fall in your favorite programs and activities:
Reduced program participant maximums
Program drop off and pick up locations and times may be different or staggered
Modification of the program or activity to accommodate current phase guidelines
The requirement of face masks at most programs and activities
Here are the things our staff is doing to make sure you are safe at our programs:
-Increased sanitization of equipment and frequent cleaning of high touchpoints throughout the facility
-Required regular hand washing/sanitization for both staff and participants
-Individualized program supplies to avoid sharing and cross-contamination
Any participant exhibiting symptoms while participating in a program will be quarantined to a designated room until they can be picked up by a parent/guardian. The participant will be permitted to return to the program after all symptoms have subsided and an approved return-to-program note has been received by the district from your physician.
In the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19, participants will be notified immediately.
~ The contaminated program space will be closed for cleaning for 24 hours after notification of exposure
~ All program participants and staff will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days per CDC guidelines if they have had close contact with the confirmed case
A participant can safely return to a program/facility after exposure or diagnosis of COVID-19 when:
~ They have been fever-free for 72 hours without medicine
⁓ AND other symptoms have improved
⁓ AND at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
~ OR they have had two (2) negative COVID-19 tests in a row done at least 24hrs apart